Protein Structure

Structure of Proteins

Visualizing Proteins

Proteins Used in the Protein Structure Tutorial

Beta Globin

The beta subunit of hemoglobin (1A3N.pdb).

Molecule of the Month

GATA-1 and DNA

Interactions of GATA-1 with DNA (2GAT.pdb) is like a right hand holding a rope with the rope being the DNA and the hand being the GATA-1. The GATA-1 carboxyl tail is thought to cause the kink in the DNA to allow the GATA-1 to interact with one of the DNA strands.

PDB Page for GATA-1 and DNA

GATA-1 and FOG-1

This is an image of GATA-1 and FOG-1 (1Y0J.pdb), proteins important in regulating which genes are turned on in development.

PDB Page for GATA-1 and FOG-1

Green Fluorescent Protein

Green Fluorescent Protein (1EMB.pdb), or GFP, is the protein that makes jellyfish glow, and it has been engineered to glow various colors (blue, red, gold). Scientists sometimes insert this gene in front of a gene they are studying to understand better when and where the protein is expressed in an individual. Perhaps you have seen images of glowing mice!

Molecule of the Month


Insulin (2HIU.pdb) is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in the body.

Molecule of the Month

Triose Phosphate Isomerase

Triose phosphate isomerase (TPI) is an enzyme involved in glycolysis (2YPI.pdb).

Molecule of the Month: Glycolytic Enzymes

Zinc Finger Protein

In the tutorial, this enzyme is 1ZAA.pdb. Zinc finger motifs are often found in proteins that bind to DNA.

PDB Page for Zinc Finger Protein

3-dimensional Jmol Display
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