The Atom 100;What subatomic particle has a negative charge?;Electron 200;What subatomic particle has no charge?;Neutron 300;Where are electrons found in an atom?;Electron Cloud or orbital 400;What are the maximum number of electrons in an s orbital?;2 (Bonus 100: What sub-atomic particle did the cathode ray tube prove the existence of?) 500;What are atoms of the same element that have different number of neutrons called?;Isotopes Periodic Table 100;What is the symbol that represents the element Silver?;Ag 200;How many protons are in the element with the symbol C?;6 protons in Carbon 300;What is the name of the group of elements that fluorine and iodine are in?;Halogens 400;What is another name for group 18?;Noble gases 500;Why are the transition metals 10 to a period?;d-block Define the following 100;Ion;a charged particle, either the atom or molecule has gained or lost an electron. 200;atomic radius;one-half the distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms 300;the Law of Conservation of Matter;In chemical reactions, matter is neither created nor destroyed. 400;Ground State;the lowest energy state (for electrons) 500;AUFBAU principle;Electrons fill the lowest possible energy levels first and then build up. Chemicals 100;Is the cooking of an egg a chemical or physical change?;chemical change 200;Is Air matter or energy?;matter 300;What is state of matter in which a material has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume?;gas 400;How many neutrons are in the isotope Plutonium-245?;Covalent 500;Is a solution of salt water a heterogenous or homogenous mixture?;homogenous Numbers, Units and Measurement 100;What is the SI unit for length?;meter 200;What is the unit mL used to measure?;volume 300;How many significant digits are in the number 0.35?; 2 400;What is avogadro's number equal to?;1 mole or 6.022 x 1023 particles 500;What is the density of an object with a mass of 10 g and a volume of 8 cm3?;12g/8cm3 =1.5 g/cm3